Citizen Soldier! (by Act of Congress)

Executive Order 12919


President Clinton issued Executive Order 12919, which authorizes confiscation of transportation, food, water, medical supplies and other material to respond to all "threats to national security." This is the same President who issued an Executive Order declaring terrorist acts in Israel were an "unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security." This is the same President who declared the imbalance of trade with Japan was "an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security." This is the same President who declared that the expiration of the Export Administration Act of 1979 constituted "an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security." This is the same President who said on television :"The Constitution is a radical document. It is up to the Government to reign in people's rights."

As these Executive Orders declaring a state of national emergency are still in effect, this Executive order has granted the government immediate authority to confiscate your "resources."
(They wouldn't do that, would they? ecr)

Last Update: 02/15/97
Web Author: ec roberts
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