It was recently reported by our federal government that about 960,000 crimes involving firearms were committed in 1992, the last year for which they have complete figures. Dr. Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist, has conducted scientifically sound studies on the defensive use of guns by civilians. He has discovered that guns are used to defend against criminal acts up to 2.5 million times per year. Thus, every year, at least 3.46 million guns are used during the commission of crimes. Gun control advocates want to eliminate those 2.5 million occasions when a gun is used by a law-abiding citizen to defend against criminals. The gun control advocates cry, "If it saves even one life...." Let's take a look at the lives which would be affected by total gun ban.
If honest citizens had not had access to guns, there would have been 192,000 more sexual assaults ("If it saves even one life..."). If honest citizens had not had access to guns, there would have been 696,000 more assaults not of a sexual nature ("If it saves even one life..."). If honest citizens had not had access to guns, there would have been 800,000 more buglaries and thefts from homes ("If it saves even one life..."). If honest citizens had not had access to guns, there would have been 528,000 more robberies ("If it saves even one life...").
Crime in San Diego has decreased for the fifth straight year, according to local and FBI tabulations. San Diego Police Chief Jerry Sanders recently said that while crime is decreasing, fear of crime is increasing. "I'm talking about tabloid shows that show a crime again, again and again." The second point the Chief made was that crime is no longer confined to a few "bad" neighborhoods.
These are the facts the gun control advocates don't want you to know. These are the numbers which can be used to show them just how callous they are in their disregard for human life.