
Citizen Soldier (By Act of Congress!)You have reached the Armed and Safe(tm) home page. We are presenting news and comments concerning the Second Amendment and related Constitutional subjects. We are a news service and need your news feeds. Send us your stories for publication.

Well, it has become apparent that I'm not going to be able to keep up with this as I would like to, so I'll just ramble on here for a bit. I've begun a new career, so I'm rather busy keeping up with that. Because I don't have the feedback from the folks up here in Washington State that I had in San Diego from the rights activists, I haven't had as much incentive to keep fighting the gun grabbers. I keep up my monetary memberships in a few of the organizations, but I mostly read the gun boards and shake my head at what is going on in such places as California, New Jersey and Maryland, to name a few.

I bought my youngest son a KKALE 8mm Turkish mauser awhile back. He liked it so much, he went out and bought me one. The one he bought me was in much prettier shape than the one I bought him, so we traded, as I intend to make a Scout Rifle out of mine. I'm going to put it in an ATI Scout stock, cut the barrel to 24 inch and mount a red-dot sight on it. This should give me a light, quick-handling rifle compared to the 03A3.

TRIPOD was playing games with my site, putting all sorts of trash on the screen. So, looking for a way to fix that without paying an annual fee equal to my left...ummmm...arm, I moved this over to my daughter's site.

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Last Update: 06/27/2004
Web Author: ec roberts
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