Citizen Soldier! (by Act of Congress)

SSPBA Poll of Street Cops

What Police Really Think of Gun Control

The Southern States Police Benevolent Association funded a scientific poll of its members concerning gun control. These people are the ones who see the effectiveness of laws and know what works and what doesn't. Of the 3,825 SSPBA members who responded, 65% said gun control laws are the least effective method of combating violent crime. Eighty-seven percent indicated that a waiting period affects only law-abiding citizens. Only 1% of the respondents said guns are a pressing cause of violent crime. Ninety-seven percent said that people have a right to own a gun for self protection.

This is a scientifically conducted and controlled poll which shows what the police truly believe, concerning guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens.

Last Update: 02/16/97
Web Author: ec roberts
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